Friends of Sutton Downs

Friends of Sutton Downs aims to provide a means for local people to become involved in this neighbourhood green space, and to secure a future for this special place as a nature-friendly resource for the whole community.

A vibrant place for playing sports, walking, meeting up and simply taking a breath of fresh air in a green open space, the recreation grounds at the Downs have supported the wellbeing of people in Seaford for over half a century.

New and events s

We have two planting days coming up that you can join in at the Downs Leisure Centre, between 11am and 3pm:

Sunday 20 November: Planting a fruiting hedgerow

Sunday 11 December: Planting a community orchard.

These are community events and everyone is welcome to help us plant 200 hedgerow plants and 12 fruit trees- apple, pear, cherry plum, cherry and damson trees around the edge of the grounds. Bring a spade if you have one.

Autumn Newsletter 

The Memorial Garden

Behind a sweep of flint wall at Sutton Corner and hugged by blossom trees is one of Seaford’s well-kept secrets. This little-known spot is frequented by young and older members of the community, including the Over 60 Choir who sing in the summer there, the weekly meetings of the Pétanque Club and groups who meet in its tranquil seclusion and colour.

As the last remnants of public green space in the neighbourhood of Sutton, and an important outdoors amenity for the town, the Downs recreation grounds have the potential to bring people and nature together within our living environment in a truly dynamic and harmonious way.

The Growing Project

Friends of Sutton Downs are working together with Lewes District Council and local groups to develop a ‘Growing Project’ as a response to the climate emergency and decline of biodiversity and natural habitats.

The playing fields and car park are flanked by substantial verges and grassed areas that can be naturalised with downland grasses and wildflowers for birds and pollinating insects. There is scope for planting hedgerows and trees around the perimeter and in a community orchard, and a vegetable growing area while retaining and enhancing the walks around the grounds that are much loved by locals.

We would love to hear from gardeners and novices alike, and anyone who is waiting for a plot to come up on the allotments who may like to get involved with growing food by and for the local community.

Find out more & become involved

Do you like gardening?
Are you interested in food that is local, seasonal, organic and free?
Do  you want to learn about trees, plants and growing vegetables and herbs?
Do you have skills or knowledge to share and pass on?
Do you wish to support bees and natural pollinators?
Would you like to spend more time being active outdoors?
Meet people and make new friends?
Or just find out more about this community project?

We welcome all hearts, minds and hands on deck!

We would love to hear from you:
Facebook: @friendsofsuttondowns

Think global – Act local