Plastic Free Periods

Disposable period products generate more than 82 million kg of CO2 emissions and 27,000 tonnes of plastic waste every year in the UK alone. At the same time, 1 in 8 women are living in period poverty. We're working to change that.


Greening our local Periodbanks

We’ll provide women and girls with washable sanitary towels and menstrual cups at the established Periodbanks in Seaford, Newhaven and Peacehaven libraries… and we’ll start a new fully plastic free pick up point at the SEA Climate Hub in Seaford.


Learning together

Our public information campaign will share women’s plastic free period stories and explore the impact of switching to reusable products. We’ll have some fun making our own plastic products and will look into incontinence options with older women too.


A big thank you....

Thanks to everyone who donated through to our crowdfunder and to our funder Ouse Valley Climate Action.

Get involved

If you could be a plastic free ambassador or have a #plasticfreeperiods story to tell, please let us know.


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