Connecting people and green spaces

Sparrows in the Salts


I took a walk round the Salts the other evening and was amazing to see how many birds were congregating and feeding along the perimeter fence. The area between the railway line and this recreation field, is already a wonderful wild habitat for wildlife. I don’t think I’ve seen quite so many sparrows all together in Seaford anywhere else!


We are delighted to support Seaford Town Council’s plans this year to leave areas of our parks and green spaces unmown. This is likely to be the sloping banks in the north and north west corners, that are not used for sports or dog walking. The grass will not be mown until later in the year, giving wild flower a change to flower and set seed.

This will save the council money, and we will be watching with interest to see what flowers grow in the longer grass, and what insects can be found. You can find out more about Seaford Town Council’s plans here https://www.seafordtowncouncil.gov.uk/community/seaford-wildflowers-return-for-a-new-season/

If you enjoy watching our green spaces get “wilder” do let the council know that you support them!

We are planning Summer wild flowers surveys of selected areas, and are hoping to run workshops and walks to prepare for this. Do let us know if you are interested, and your level of expertise. Beginners and experts equally welcome. I think we have all been taking a closer look in the verges since we started this project, and since we learnt more about the wildlife that relies on our garden “weeds” it’s become a lot harder to bring ourselves to pull them up!

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